If you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction, you might consider seeking medical attention for the problem. The condition may be caused by various neurological or medical causes, such as diabetes, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, pelvic surgery, or heavy metal poisoning. Other causes are neurological or physical disorders, such as spinal cord and nerve damage, traumatic brain injury, or pelvic surgeries. Blood pressure medications and antidepressants can also cause erectile dysfunction.
The kind of medical specialist that you need for your specific condition will depend on the underlying cause. A doctor may prescribe oral medications or refer you to a urologist for surgical procedures. A psychologist may be referred to work with you to address any emotional problems you have that may be contributing to your ED. While ED-related depression may affect both men and women, it is treatable. Here are some treatments for ED:
Surgical treatment for ED is controversial, but many experts recommend a noninvasive approach for patients. Vacuum-constricting devices are the most common surgical treatment for ED, but they should only be used after carefully considering the risks and benefits of each method. Some clinicians recommend using oral medications as an initial treatment, but these medications must be used cautiously. The aim of these treatments is to improve symptoms and alleviate suffering.
While ED often becomes worse with age, some men remain sexually active into their 80s. In many cases, ED is an early symptom of underlying medical conditions. For example, it can be the forewarning symptom of coronary disease. Therefore, men with ED should talk to a team of local men’s health specialists about their condition and seek treatment. The goal of treatment is to restore normal erectile function and improve circulatory health.
The best treatment for erectile dysfunction is to determine the root cause. Psychological and social factors can lead to ED. There are many physical and psychological causes of ED. Psychological factors include performance anxiety and relationship issues. Other common causes include substance abuse, such as alcohol and tobacco. In some cases, the treatment for ED may be a placebo. This treatment is not recommended for other sexual disorders, but for men with ED, it can be an effective option.
Psychological factors can contribute to erectile dysfunction. The symptoms of ED can be triggered by anxiety about achieving an erection. The effects of ED on a man’s health can be long-term. It may even affect a man’s relationship and his general wellbeing. A diagnosis and treatment for ED can help address underlying medical conditions. It’s vital to address all underlying issues in order to prevent erectile dysfunction and improve sexual health.
Some men experience ED because of certain prescription drugs. These drugs affect a man’s hormones, nerves, and blood circulation. Because of this, they are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. The most common medications used for treating erectile dysfunction include antihypertensives, diuretics, and antiarrhythmics. Even certain types of surgery can cause erectile dysfunction, including prostate, bladder, and colon cancer.
Many men experience difficulty erections when they are sexually aroused. The size of a man’s penis reflects the balance between blood flow and erectile function, and it can vary depending on temperature and worry. However, when a man suffers from ED, it is very difficult to achieve a firm erection. It is therefore vital to seek help for ED from a primary care physician or urologist. If ED has become a serious problem, he should seek treatment to restore his erectile function and improve his quality of life.
The use of injection therapy is another option. This procedure uses bendable rods to position a man’s penis in an erect position. Although penile implants have a relatively low failure rate, they can have negative effects for those with severe cardiovascular conditions. Still, it is worth trying this procedure for an erection that lasts longer than two hours. Moreover, it is an effective treatment option for many men.
Depending on the severity of the condition, laboratory tests may be ordered. These tests can include blood counts, urine analysis, measurements of cholesterol and creatinine, and liver enzymes. Moreover, abnormalities in the penis can indicate other problems. Various laboratory tests are also used to diagnose ED. For example, blood tests may reveal an abnormality in the penis’ structure or function, which indicates a problem with the endocrine system. A urinalysis may also reveal the presence of cholesterol or a problem with the heart’s blood supply. Lastly, a psychosocial examination is performed to uncover any psychological factors that might be affecting a man’s performance. Some men may need to undergo lifestyle changes to improve their sexual performance, such as cutting back on alcohol, losing weight, and increasing physical activity.
Many prescription medications cause erectile dysfunction as a side effect. Prescription medications affect a man’s nerves, blood circulation, and hormones, and can cause erectile dysfunction. For example, some diuretics (which increase urine flow) and antihypertensives (which treat high blood pressure) can cause erectile dysfunction. However, a man’s erectile function may be caused by a physical illness, such as vascular disease.
Physical problems such as diabetes and nerve damage can also cause erectile dysfunction. Other potential causes include heart disease, liver and lung disease, and chronic diseases of the lungs and liver. Certain medicines, such as nitrates, may interfere with the nerve impulses and blood flow to the penis. Additionally, stress and personal relationships may also lead to erectile dysfunction. If a physical or psychological cause is the culprit, then seeking help from a physician can help restore erections and a healthy relationship.
While there are many different causes of erectile dysfunction, the most common is organic ED. Organic ED is a common underlying problem, and it is most common among men who are older. Arteriosclerosis is a disease that causes abnormalities in the penile arteries. Arteriosclerosis can also be caused by trauma to the penile arteries. Other risk factors for arteriosclerosis include high cholesterol and cigarette smoking.